This is what €1.6million gets you…

…an enormous vert bowl, a large midi bowl and a huge street park, which were designed to compliment the UNESCO world hereitage listed old city walls and viaduct in the landscaped Petruss Park. Excavation works also had to contend with underground gas works and drainage and the park is bordered on one side by a busy pavement and bike lane, like Blackrock.

This an enormous facility where kids and ages of all ages and abilities can use it with ease.

While the budget is way above anything spent here in Ireland so far, this park has a large number of top drawer obstacles and layouts to keep skaters and riders occupied for years – there’s a huge amount of things to draw inspiration from here.

More project info at Landezine (ground water problems, construction constraints, etc) at and Visit Luxembourg.
Map at Google Maps

Overview from the bridge.
Quarter with attic ledge, hips, banks, blocks, rails, manny pads….
Keep on pushing
Bowly McBowlface
Hips in the bowl are a good idea.