Turning wood into concrete…

Built in place of Wooden Waves, an old, outdoor wooden ramps skatepark in Newquay, the UK’s surfing capital and domestic holiday favourite, this park had a budget in the region of £600,000

While the budget is way above anything spent here in Ireland so far, this park has a large number of top drawer obstacles and layouts to keep skaters and riders occupied for years – there’s a huge amount of things to draw inspiration from here.

The well-laid out street course goes around a large combi bowl, with a replica kidney pool

More project info at Sidewalkmag.com (build process, budget, councillors info, etc.) and Maverickskateparks.co.uk and Visit Newquay
Map at Google Maps

Overview 01
Overview 02
Overview 03
A good way to get around the steps on both sides of the rail – that quarter/bank on the left backs into the main bowl below.
Bowly McBowlface
Pooley McPoolface
That block is way too close to the quarter, but otherwise, carry on.